广州彭博眼镜厂专注于眼镜生产,主要生产各式成人及儿童塑胶太阳镜,安全防护眼镜,運動镜、摩托車眼鏡、滑雪眼鏡,游泳镜,,激光眼镜,户外自行车运动眼镜,偏光镜,焊接眼镜,老花鏡等......各类眼镜及眼罩。 产品款式多样,质量可靠,价格合理且交货准时,可根据不同客户的要求和档次打样生产;款式请浏览我厂的网站.我厂有丰富的生產OEM經驗,而且其產品質量通過CE与FDA檢測。公司坚持以“信誉第一,质量第一 ,客户至上&dquo;为企业经营理念,竭诚欢迎国内外新老客户来我公司订货咨询,我们将为您提供一流的订单前、中、后服务。 熱切期待您光臨我廠,並希望日後能成為友好的合作伙伴。
移动电话:0159 1740 8917
Q Q: 2851733703 171243045
1,材质:镜框:PC 镜片:宝利来(如有特殊要求可以按客人的要求来选择材质)
5,其他: 镜框和镜片颜色可按客人需要定制,客户只要提供给国际潘通色卡号。
childen sunglasse
* 100% UVA, UVB & UVC (UV400) Potection
* Supeio scatches-esistance
* High igidity
* Meet with ANSI Z80.3 & CE EN1836:1997
* Fame and lens colo ae optional
A)Gey & bown lens : maximum amount of potection in all conditions
B)G15 (natual vision lens): see colos exactly as they ae
C)Yellow lens: enhancing bightness and claity of vision
D)Polaized lens: lowe tansmission and 100% potection fom eflected glae
1. UV400 Potection
2. Supeio scatches-esistance
3. High igidity
4. Meet with ANSI Z80.3 CE EN1836:1997
5. Fame and lens colo ae optional
PENGBO ENTERPRISE CO., LIMITED is one of the few tue manufactue, expote and wholesale establishments in the industy. We own and opeated a factoy ted in Guangzhou China. We offe one of the lagest selections of styles on the maket and cay an assotment of metal and plastic styles in vaious combinations of lenses. Since ou enty in to the maket, we stived to be the best in the maket on ou quality, caftsmanship and custome sevice. Fo a bette look at ou sunglasses styles, please visit ou online poduct catalog.
Ou poducts ae among the top echelon of value-piced eyewea poducts in the maket.. Ou sunglasses style includes men and woman in fashion and spots, kids sunglasses, diving lenses, polaized lenses, eading glasses, sunglasses accessoies, ski goggle, safety glasses, motocycle glasses and so on. We constantly update ou inventoy with new styles weekly and keep ou inventoy filled will the most popula and up to date styles on the maket.
With ou knowledgeable staff, you can expect us to offe you geat sestions and suppot fo you maket aea and pogams. With many yeas of expeience in this field, we can help with setting up you business, choosing styles. We also povide pivate labeling fo you. If you have any questions please feel fee to let us help you.