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    玫莱雅柔肤水,欢迎各消费者,前来购买!德春堂(Dacudo )化妆品品牌取名源自创建于开业于清光绪二年(1876),德春堂的涵义为孕育健康,创造美丽。“德春堂”意为“赞美大地的美德,她哺育了新的生命,创造美丽。”德春堂是将东方的美学及意识与西方的技术及商业实践相结合的先锋。将先进技术与传统理念相结合,用西方文化诠释东方文化的公司。 杭州德春堂化妆品有限公司旗下有海洋植物护肤品牌玫莱雅(MALOYA玫莱雅)品牌、中国中草药护肤的德春堂(DACUNDO德春堂)品牌;中国化妆品历史长河中最早记载的化妆品品牌“孔凤春”,欢迎全国代理商洽谈代理事宜。 德春堂DACUDO致力于打造高端品牌,其大多产品是众多白领心仪的对象。其产品大多采用梦幻唯美浪漫的气息包装,让大多女性迷恋。德春堂将东方格调与西方尊贵的气质完美结合,加上高端科技与自然材料制造出让人喜爱的各类产品。 玫莱雅秉着“信任、尊重、信念、高品质”的经营理念,以产品质量为企业发展之命脉,以市场为消费导向,以信誉为企业生存之根本。现公司已拥有稳定且成熟的市场网络及一大批忠实的消费者. The name of DACUDO cosmetics band deived fom established in which opened in the two yeas Guangxu1876, the implication is fo beeding healthy and ceating beauty. Dacudo means "paise the vitues of the eath, she had given bith to a new life, to ceate beauty. It is the pionee of combining Oiental Aesthetics and consciousness with westen technical and commecial pactice. It is a company that combine advanced technology with taditional philosophy , intepeting of oiental cultue by Westen cultue. The ealiest ecod in the long histoy of cosmetics bands was Kong Fengchun, National Agents ae welcome to discuss the matte of agency. DACUDO is committed to ceating high-end bands and most of the poducts ae popula to many white-colla wokes. Its poducts ae used fantasy omantic atmosphee packaging so that most women obsess. DACUDO combines the Oiental style with Westen noble tempeament pefectly, all kinds of poducts with high technology and natual mateials to make people love. MALOYA insists tust, espect, faith, high-quality" business philosophy, to poduct quality as the lifeline of entepise development, to take the maket as the guide, with eputation fo the foundation of the entepise suvival .The company now has a stable and matue maket netwok and a lage numbe of loyal consumes.



